
Thursday, September 22, 2016

What is the Dental Bridge Procedure

   “ Dentistry is not expensive, neglect is”

All of us have an aim of beautiful smile. There are many question on how important is it to fill the gap after tooth extraction. Let this article shed light on why is it very necessary to get dentures or dental bridge after your tooth is extracted.

The importance to fill the gap in your teeth can never be stressed enough. It is very much needed to get a fixed dental bridge to fill in the gap left by tooth extraction.A dental bridge is nothing but a replacement tooth or teeth that fill the space when one or more teeth are missing.

The most common reason behind tooth loss is undergoing a physical trauma. The other reason of tooth loss is periodontal disease.At this point, it is important to undergo a dental bridge procedure in the event of tooth loss because the remaining teeth will shift in the gaps.This will adversely affect the normal bite and smile of the person which will make him/her demoralised.The person can suffer from gum diseases and other dental problems also.

The procedure of dental bridge is very simple and easy.On both the sides of the bridge the dentist will place a crown which is also called as cap. The crown will help in connecting teeth on both the sides of the space which needs to be filled. Once the process gets complete,the false tooth attaches both the crowns hence filling the place of missing teeth.

Generally there are three types of Dental Bridge: Traditional, Cantilever and Maryland. They are different from each other in following way.
1. Traditional bridge: Has crowns connected to both the sides of the artificial tooth.
2. Cantilever bridge: This is an artificial tooth which is connected to just one crown.
3. Maryland bridge: This is an artificial tooth and is attached to existing teeth on both sides.

This procedure cannot be done in just one day. It will take multiple visits to the dental clinic to achieve the desired result. Since it is  a surgical procedure ,the dentist will be using anesthesia on the gum tissues to make the area numb. After this your dental professional will reshape the teeth and place the crown. It is important for these crowns to fit snugly so that they can hold dental bridge in place.

After the dentist reshapes the tooth he will take an impression of the missing tooth and surrounding teeth. After taking an impression, he will send it to a laboratory for a customized dental bridge to be created. The customized apparatus will be fitted inside your mouth in the exact manner as your natural tooth. As long as you do not get a new dental bridge, the dentist will give you a temporary one which will be secured by cement. It will take few weeks for the permanent bridge to arrive at the dental clinic.
Neglecting a denture or a bridge might have some consequences. Dental Cavities is one of the reasons for these bridges to fail.Never neglect this part as a way to care for your teeth.So taking care of them becomes highly important.For a beautiful smile,consult a trustworthy dental clinic.
At the end,it is important to keep in mind the following quotation “Smile, it lets your teeth breathe”.

One of the top dental clinic in California is Ava Dental which provides following services:
1)Dental Bridge
2)Dental Crown
3)Dental Implants
4)Fillings etc

Visit the website here →


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  3. The Maryland bridge is one of the most affordable ways to replace a missing tooth. It consists of three units: two metal wings and a retainer, and a middle unit, the pontic, which is a porcelain covered portion of the bridge. A Maryland bridge is cheaper than a conventional one, but the disadvantage is that they can't last as long. A traditional bridge requires more tooth trimming, but it is a permanent solution.
